Thursday, January 17, 2013

Finished Mermaid Doll

Here are the photos of my finished mermaid doll. I think she turned out great, and I really love her peach/pink hair. I think it sets off the lime green very well.

Happy mermaid doll

I nixed the necklace idea but decided she needed a nice glittery sea star in her hair to polish off her look.

Pretty little sea star I added to her hair

I love her side fins, I've always felt that most mermaid tails are a little plain for my tastes.

Full view of my mermaid doll

Side view and some arm movement

Back view of the mermaid

Close up of her fins

Close up of the hair process

The mermaid doll has a ton of hair (compared to the little vampire) and this is how I added it, thread by thread...

Now I am ready to start on the next doll, this next one will be named Tulip and she loves the rain. <3

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