Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Quick Post on the Mermaid Doll

Evening ya'll, while it isn't much I do have a photo update of my sweet mermaid doll. She is about an inch and a half taller than the vampire doll, which would make her about 9" tall. It must be the fins. I am sad to say I am not as attached to the mermaid as I was with the vampire, however there is still time. I have yet to attach her arms, shells, and her awesome peach-y pink hair. The hair takes the most time so that will probably be where the bonding happens :)

Plus I am considering adding a button shell or two as a hair embellishment, maybe even a necklace.

Mermaid doll almost finished
I really enjoy making dolls, and (kind of) wish I could make them as fast as I can imagine them...I say this only because I have so many ideas!

BTW as I finish this post I've found myself fonder of this little doll than when I started it.

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